Gerard Holden

creative coding

Creative Coding Week 4: Exercise 2 - One Pixel Cinema

A sketch was supplied in the course material that draws vertical bars of a single colour corresponding to points in the picture. The points in the picture are circled and the circles migrate down the page updating the vertical bars. I amended the sketch to use a picture of any size; scaling the picture to fit in the sketch.

> View source code for preceding sketch.
 * Creative Coding
 * Week 4, 03 - one pixel cinema
 * by Indae Hwang and Jon McCormack
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Monash University
 * Modified by Gerard Holden to load a picture of any size and scale it.
 * This simple sketch demonstrates how to read pixel values from an image
 * It simulates a 10 pixel "scanner" that moves from the top to the bottom of the image
 * reading the colour values for 10 equally spaced points, then displaying those colours
 * as vertical bars on the left half of the screen.

PImage myImg;
color[] pixelColors;
int scanLine;  // vertical position
float imgH;
float iScale;

void setup() {
//  size(800, 800);
  myImg = loadImage("Garden.jpg");
  float picW = myImg.width;
  float picH = myImg.height;
  iScale = 500/picW;
  imgH = picH*iScale;
  size(800,(int) imgH);

  pixelColors = new color[10];
  scanLine = 0;

void draw() {

  // read the colours for the current scanLine
  int interval = (int) myImg.width/10;
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    pixelColors[i] = myImg.get(interval/2 + i * interval, scanLine);

  // draw the sampled pixels as vertical bars
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    rect(i*30, 0, 30, imgH);

  // draw the image
  image(myImg, 300/iScale, 0);

  // increment scan line position every second frame
//  if (frameCount % 2 == 0) {
    scanLine ++;
//  }

  if (scanLine > myImg.height) {
    scanLine = 0;

  // draw circles over where the "scanner" is currently reading pixel values
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    stroke(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(300 + (interval/2 + i * interval)*iScale, scanLine*iScale, 5, 5 );

Copyright © 2014 Gerard Holden. All rights reserved.