Gerard Holden

creative coding

Creative Coding Week 2: Exploring Emergence (1)

This exercise was investigating the effect of frame rate on a sketch. The effect of changing the frame rate can have a dramatic effect on the display. The first sketch below is the example provided in the course. Press the left and right arrow keys to change the frame rate (about 5 or 6 clicks to the right will reveal the more interesting variations.)

> View source code for preceding sketch.
 * Creative Coding
 * Week 2, 05 - Moving Patterns 1
 * by Indae Hwang and Jon McCormack
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Monash University
 * This sketch builds on the previous sketches, drawing shapes based on the
 * current framerate. The movement of individual shapes combine to create a
 * gestalt field of motion. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to change the
 * frame rate. 

// variable used to store the current frame rate value
int frame_rate_value;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

  frame_rate_value = 6;

void draw() {


  int num = 20;
  int margin = 0;
  float gutter = 0; //distance between each cell
  float cellsize = ( width - (2 * margin) - gutter * (num - 1) ) / (num - 1);

  int circleNumber = 0; // counter
  for (int i=0; i 1) {

  // set the frameRate and print current value on the screen
  println("Current frame Rate is: " + frame_rate_value);


My sketch changed the shape of the objects and added some colour.

> View source code for preceding sketch.
 * Creative Coding
 * Week 2, 05 - Moving Patterns 1
 * by Indae Hwang and Jon McCormack
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Monash University
 * This sketch builds on the previous sketches, drawing shapes based on the
 * current framerate. The movement of individual shapes combine to create a
 * gestalt field of motion. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to change the
 * frame rate. 

// variable used to store the current frame rate value
int frame_rate_value;
color[] shade = new color[13];

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

  frame_rate_value = 6;

void draw() {


  int num = 20; // orignally 20
  int margin = 0;
  float gutter = 0; //distance between each cell
  float cellsize = ( width - (2 * margin) - gutter * (num - 1) ) / (num - 1);
  shade[0] = 0xFF002200;
  shade[1] = 0xFF004400;
  shade[2] = 0xFF006600;
  shade[3] = 0xFF008800;
  shade[4] = 0xFF00AA00;
  shade[5] = 0xFF00CC00;
  shade[6] = 0xFF00FF00;
  shade[7] = 0xFF22FF22;
  shade[8] = 0xFF44FF44;
  shade[9] = 0xFF66FF66;
  shade[10] = 0xFF88FF88;
  shade[11] = 0xFFAAFFAA;
  shade[12] = 0xFFCCFFCC;

  int circleNumber = 0; // counter
  for (int i=0; i 1) {

  // set the frameRate and print current value on the screen
  println("Current frame Rate is: " + frame_rate_value);


Copyright © 2014 Gerard Holden. All rights reserved.